Alana Rader
theatre maker/poet/speaker
"WARNING", 3f, 2m, full-length, 2022 Princess Grace Award semi-finalist. Timelines from 2020, 1918 and Greek Mythology converge, creating a cascade of women fighting to be heard above the roar of powerful men.
"HOUSEWIFE" 4w, 2022 Alpine Fellowship Theatre Prize shortlist, 2023 Princess Grace Award semi-finalist, read by The Barrow Group. What happens when the "perfect" 1950's Housewife is actually on amphetamines?

"BUGLE BOY", a play with music, 3m 3w, full-length, read by PRWF. With 1940's standards & real love letters from WW2, Bugle Boy looks at the ripple effect acts of service can have
on a community.
"MIGRATE", 3w, 2m, full-length, read by PRWF and
The Barrow Group, explores two immigrant girls in 1840's NYC, examining class, tribalism, and the mythology of the American Dream.

"Uprooted", 3w, 2m, full-length, read by PRWF. A feminist
re-telling of the early witch-hunts in England, mixed with
magic and midwifery.

"Down the Rabbithole: Into Other Realms"-TYA piece created for the Reiffton Artist in Residency, also done at Lyric Arts, (ideal for ages 7-15)
"Chaining Zero", a new musical, (Additional Book)
2021 NMTC Eugene O'Neill semi-finalist, readings in Nashville, NYC and a workshop at Kent State University.

To read more of Alāna's work, including short plays, go to her npx:
Inquiries about Rights and Royalties, email:

a tunnel of trees
threading the needle through pines
freshly fallen snow- ( published by
the Nick Virgilio Haiku Association)